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Santa Fe Travel Guide

Hey guys!! I recently got back from Santa Fe, New Mexico and I thought I'd share some of the places I went while I was there!


For breakfast we ate at this super cute diner called Tia Sophia's. They had the best hot chocolate & best pancakes ever!! The service was really good and the food came out super fast. If you're looking for a yummy place to eat breakfast in Santa Fe, Tia Sophia's is a great place to experience some New Mexico culture! Here's their menu:

We didn't get to go out for lunch or dinner because we were doing the shoot during those times (pictures on my photo page of my site or on the home page link:)


We went to this super cool interactive art exhibit called Meow Wolf, and it's basically a huge warehouse that over 500 artists turned into a mystery-solving art museum. There are hundreds of little rooms and they all have a different theme or central art in it. This place was so cool and I would highly recommend it for ages 6+ (just because it's very crowded and it requires a lot of climbing and going under things.) Here are some pictures and if you want to see videos of each room that's there go to my instagram (@sophieantt) and click on the highlight circle on my profile titled "Meow Wolf!"


Our hotel was called Hotel St. Francis, it's this super cute and old boutique hotel located in downtown Santa Fe where most of the shops and restaurants are. It's right in the heart of the square so everything in the town is walking distance. The service was pretty good at the hotel & the rooms were very nice. Here's a link to the hotel's website:

Here are a few photos from my trip:

If you want to see all the pics I took in NM check out the Santa Fe, NM tab on my photo page above!

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